Choose your magical Elf name with the Elf Name Generator
What’s that, you say? You don’t have an Elf name yet?
Not to worry! We can easily work out a festive name for you with our Elf Name Generator. All we need is a few important pieces of information, then our super-secret, ultra-scientific technology will whizz off and do the work for you.
Which Elf name will you be given? Are you a Buddy McJingles or perhaps a Berry Stripytights? It’s super simple to find out.
If you’re ready to get started and want to go straight to the Elf Name Generator, you can just click here.
But if you want more information on how it works, read below and we’ll let you in on the secrets behind our enchanted Elf name creator.
How the Elf Name Generator works
Our magical machine simply takes a few details to craft an Elf name made just for you. All it needs is your gender, birthday month and your favourite colour, then – boom! Your Elf name is magically there, right in front of you.
So, for example, if you are a girl born in February and your favourite colour is purple, your Elf name would be Effie McSnowsnaps! Isn’t that amazing?
Don’t forget to share your favourite Elf names on our Facebook and Twitter. We love hearing all the crazy and wonderful names that the Elf Name Generator comes up with.
What can you use the Elf name for?
Once you have your Elf name at the ready, it’s up to you how you use it!
Of course, most of us would use the Elf Name Generator to create an official name for our festive and friendly Christmas Elf Toy. When our adorable new friend comes to greet us on December 1st, you can give him or her the perfect name.
But you can also take your Elf name one step further and use it to sign all your Christmas cards! That’s right – December is almost here, which means it’s time to get cracking with those Christmas wishes and cards.
This year, wouldn’t it be funny if you signed all those Christmas cards from your new pal’s magical Elf name? All your friends and family would certainly get the giggles if they received their Christmas card from a Maggie Gigglepops or a Perky Fizzycrackers!
Christmas will never be the same again!